World Treasure Map

This blog is devoted to making a treasure map or vision outline for the future of the world. Everything is in the positive sense.
Feel free to add to the treasure map or make suggestions in comment section. No negative speech please.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

RE: Consideration Reigns Throughout the World

The path to self awareness is plain before mankind. Man develops emotional maturity. Concern for others, empathy spreads throughout the world. Man sees and anticipates harmony in all existence and it spreads throughout the world. The time for this is right now.

All comes into balance. Leaders develop empathy and morality. World leaders see their task as self realization of the bigger plan for the benifit of Man. Self angrandizement becomes passe and agape becomes the rage. Wisdom rules and the time is now. Now is the time that this transpires. This spreads throughout the world like wild fire. Others join in following and contributing to this treasure map. All of Man sees himself, herself as part of a large family. All realize that all existence in interdependent.

In His name, let it be now. If not this then something better. Thank You for allowing this happening. Thank You for Your blessings.