Violence is eradicated from the USA right now. The citizens of the United States become peaceful and lead the world to peace.
Students in the United States take price in their work and strive to do their best. United States teachers are dedicated and professional in their profession. Problems are eliminated from the class rooms. Student achievement soars. Schools become a beacon to the world. Schools are once more safe. Pediphiles desert schools and leave the students alone.
It is no longer necessary for the United States' citizens to fear for their safety. The United States prospers, grows in wisdom, and brings harm to one as it does so.
The United States prospers and its citizens reach full employment. Poverty is eliminated.
Great strides are made in the fields of science, medicine and technology. The United States shares its knowledge with a greatful world.
Crime drops to an all time historical low and is practically non existent. Prosperity is at an all time high. People in the USA soar spiritually. Love reigns in the USA. Child birth out of wed lock plummets. USA citizens take pride in themselves unanonmously. The stock market in the USA reaches an all time high in prosperity. Polution is eliminated. Animals and plants are no long threatened. Citizens do not have to worry about want or crime. Homelessness reaches a historical low. Mental illness is practically eliminated.
All of this takes place now with out any harm to any one or anything. If not this then something better.