World Treasure Map

This blog is devoted to making a treasure map or vision outline for the future of the world. Everything is in the positive sense.
Feel free to add to the treasure map or make suggestions in comment section. No negative speech please.

If you have some desire or wish that you want to add do so.

Please visit often and read each addition over as often as you can. This helps to in-power the treasure map.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

RE: Independence

People the world over stop letting the media, opportunists and governments pull their strings. People start thinking for themselves.

Mutual respect and cooperation dominates the world over. People the world over reach out to each other regardless of religion, ethnic group or any other difference. All people realize we are in this mess called life together.

People cooperate and work together to help make this life more agreeable.

Peace, love and mutual respect break out all over the world like measles.

*Meganopolies, world leaders, governments and individuals reach out to all people. Maganopolies, world leaders, governments and individuals realize that it is in their best interest to help their neighbors without being enablers.

A new golden age bursts out all over the world. People become more loving of each other. This love is wholesome and spreads like wild-fire. As a result prosperity like never before blooms all over the world.

Common sense and pragmatism reigns supreme all over the world. People all over the world reach  atonement.

Emotional intelligence increases exponentially. Safety becomes a universal fact. Negativity decreases exponentially. Happiness grows exponentially. I.Qs grow exponentially. The positive reigns supreme. 

People all over the world start participating in this treasure map and people all over the world start visualizing the positive. This catches on like wild fire now.

All this or something better comes to be now and grows exponentially. If not this then let something better materialize now.

*Maganopolies_companies that reach across governments, nations, national boundaries, ethnic groups. Companies and business that constitute cultures and governments unto themselves. Maganopolies are businesses that control several or more products and resources. They opp-orate in more than on country.

Feel free to participate. Just put what you would like to be included in the comment section. If you would like it added to the treasure map here let us know. Graphics are accepted. Just give the URL.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

RE: Peace and Prosperity Reigns

  Peace reigns over the world. Prosperity comes to every nation. Leaders put the welfare of the people and the planet first.

Man realizes that it is through "inter" and "intra" cooperation that prosperity, happiness comes to all.

Man becomes aware of the "love" that is infused throughout creation. Man reaches atonement now.

Religious leaders turn to the divine creator of all and ask for guidance. Religious leaders put aside the desire for notoriety. The push for religious superiority stops as Man seeks the divine creator of all. People all over the world experience contact with the divine.

Prosperity, peace and love spring like a full river to cover the entire planet.

Science combines all over the world as nations, leaders, people cooperate to understand and work in harmony with creation.

People all over the planet Earth become prosperous, industrious, happy, healthy. All nations prosper. Poverty of spirit is cured.

People all over Earth gain faith and hope in the future. The future of the Earth is brighter than anyone can imagine. The future of Mankind unfolds greater and better than anyone can imagine.

If not this then something better.

*Graphic from This graphic is copyrighted. So go to site to get permission to use it, please. Thanks.

This particular site is a treasure map of the future of Earth. You can participate in it. Just put up what you would like to see in the future. Remember to keep it positive and bring harm to no one. Graphics are acceptable here so long as they are GP. All comments are moderated.

Below are some texts that can help you. The first one "What treasure mapping can do for you" is where I first learned "treasure mapping". This is not magic but a form of prayer. It works on the WYSIWYG method. ("What you see is what you get")

However this does not preclude work. Be ready and willing to do the work necessary when opportunity comes. Keep from worrying as to how things  and events will manifest themselves. Just concentrate on the manifestation.

I also included some Kindle readers: Kindle: Amazon's Original Wireless Reading Device (1st generation)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite - Latest Generation. There is also included a Kindle cover: Kindle Leather Cover, Black

*Let me know what you think of any product ordered through this blog. Just put a comment in the comment section.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

An Invitation

Please feel free to post your entry to this Treasure Map in the comment section. Illustrations and graphics can be included. If you want it added to the main part of the Treasure Map please say so. HTML is accepted as are graphics. Please check for spelling.

Please remember to make statements positive. Remember this is for world peace, one statement and entry at a time. It is the hope of this site to develop a movement for world peace that does not involve treaties, wars, or speeches. This site purpose is to create the atmosphere of peace in as many individuals minds as possible. After all all states of being and movements begin first with the thought or visualization of the the target or end result.

Please join in. Just submit your comment. If you do not want your comment to be published under or name please state so. The author will include them on your request. Also the creator of World Treasure Map can lift the comments out of the submitted comment section and make an entry. 

Remember HTML is accepted.

Here a book that I found interesting. Titled the Dimilatirized world: And How to Get There:
The demilitarized world: And how to get there (Papers on peace). Just click on the link and it will take you right to the Amazon book store.


 I accidentally found this Kindle. Just click on the graphic at the right and it will take you to the site where you can order it. This is the most economical Kindle that I have found so far.

Please feel free to put comments of what you think of a particular product ordered through this site.

Your input is appreciated. Just be honest and to the point.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

RE: El Taliban, Al Qa'ida, etc.

El Taliban, Al al-Qa'ida come to peace with the rest of the world. All radical and terrorists groups realize that terror and fear are the wrong way to win.

Regardless of the culture or back ground all radical groups become de-radicalized. The leaders and followers of these groups realize that the best way to progress or win people is through peace, constructive solutions and education.

Rather than dictate the leaders of all fringe groups decide that the best way is through peaceful discussion with opposing parties. 

Leaders the world over decide that it is in their best interest to work for the betterment of mankind rather than for their own greed, benefit or for their own self aggrandizement.

War, bombings and all forms of violence are abandoned. 

All terrorists groups listed on abandon terror bombings etc as a way to get publicity or to try to get their own way. The movement towards peace, inter cooperation, and trying to learn from other people gains momentum and begins to run rampant through out the whole Earth.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

RE: The USA 2010

The United States begins to miraculously pull out of it economic slump. All of a sudden new businesses start up. New technology is discovered in the USA.Businessmen and citizens all over the USA start applying the spiritual laws in their daily lives. The USA trillions of dollars of debt is rapidly paid off. People in the USA are once again more positive. The population is more healthy, sane and positive than ever before. Hope reins over the USA and flows from the USA to all the nations. Government officials and politicians in the USA realize that they are here to serve the people and enforce the constitution.The USA constitution is no longer threaten but is endorsed strongly by all not as a God but as a guideline for all and protection of the rights of man in the USA. A miracle is actively happening in the USA right now.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

RE: Humanity Makes A Quantum Leap!

"There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.
A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created."
Wallace D Wattles – 1910

Mankind makes a giant leap in intellectual and spiritual development. People and their leaders decide to reach out and cooperate with neighbors to develop a strong, healthy, kind, world society that enriches rather than destroys lives.

World leaders no longer think of being the most powerful but shift into trying to be the most useful. Presidents, prime ministers etc. put the higher power and the people first.

Loyalty, integrity, love become the main push into the future.

Mankind makes a quantum leap in IQ, physical, scientific, medical, and health advances. Food is plentiful for everyone. Crime decreases the world over to near zero. Parents all over practice good parenting. Elders are respected universally. Mutual respect is practiced by leaders, people and nations. No one threatens another.

Each and every citizen of every nation has the opportunity to advance or develop themselves as far as they want to do so.

Poverty and hunger become the things of bad memories. War ceases as nations, people and leaders learn that it is not longer necessary or even desirable. 

Saturday, February 6, 2010

RE: Haiti

The people of Haiti recover from this latest earthquake at a phenomenal rate.

The Haitian rebuilds Haiti better than anyone could imagine.

Haiti becomes a show place of prosperity, happiness, integrity, and love for ones fellow man.

The faith of the Haitians is strengthen and becomes a powerful movement that sparks a world wide movement towards peace and prosperity.

The Haitians reconstruct the buildings of Haiti to be an earthquake proof as possible.

Trees are replanted in Haiti and ecological system is repaired.

Farming becomes healthy in Haiti. Work is plentiful in Haiti.

The police force of Haiti becomes an example of what an excellent police force is. Crime diminishes to almost nothing in Haiti.

The people of Haiti become famous for hospitality, honesty, and the safety of their country.