World Treasure Map

This blog is devoted to making a treasure map or vision outline for the future of the world. Everything is in the positive sense.
Feel free to add to the treasure map or make suggestions in comment section. No negative speech please.

If you have some desire or wish that you want to add do so.

Please visit often and read each addition over as often as you can. This helps to in-power the treasure map.

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Monday, December 29, 2008

RE: The World Economy Is Stabalized

The world wide economy is stable. All are prosperous without bringing harm to anyone. 

People the world over find gainful employment. 

Prosperity spreads like wildfire throughout the world. 

Starvation, poverty all lack in all forms are eliminated.

People share their prosperity with others.

Lack is eliminated.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

RE: Positive Future That Brings No Harm

The territory of all of Man is enlarged with out bringing harm. Only that which is beneficial to all creation manifests. A positive future manifests now.

If not this then something better manifests in the now. Thanks in His name for this manifestation that is now.

Want to help out in making the world evolve into a positive mode? Want to contribute to this treasure map? Sure would appreciate input from the public. Get the feeling of having an active part in making the world a better place. Feel empowerment. Feel like an active part in bringing change that is positive for the Universe. Write in your comments what you would like to see manifested. If selected, it will be added to the treasure map on this blog.

Also go back to the first entry in this blog and read through all the rest of the entries to the latest. Visualize in the mind all these positive things as in the now. Add whatever you think will help. Come back often and read entire blog, visualize!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

RE: Rapid Change_Acceptance of Man

Man all over the world rapidly changes for the better. A kinder, more genteel nature reigns everywhere. People reach out to their neighbors. Man is polite to his brothers and sisters. Torture is a thing of the past. Mental illness is treatable on a permanent basis. Addiction is a thing of the past. Man is healthier and happier than ever before. All of Man is more capable of making wise decisions than ever before. These events take place immediately.
This change is smooth and passes to a painless state. Man is happy, content, yet adventerous, exploring the heavens and joining the beings of outerspace. Man reaches to the heavens, each on earth sharing the load.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

RE: The Future for the World Is Bright

Man's future is bright. Ignorance evaporates quicker than a morning's dew. The family of Man has a new awakening. Ideas and discoveries happen exponentially. A paradise for all of mankind is a reality.

Prosperity reigns down like a gentle spring rain on the house of Man. Man accepts his newfound prosperity.

Happiness and peace flows through Man like a great river. Man is joins together in brotherhood and love.

Women and men are charished and respected in all cultures. Man realizes that all diserve respect and love. Man all over the globe is open to the idea of respecting and loving all of creation. A new period of the Christ spirit begins now.


Anyone can contribute to this treasure map. Please do. If you have any positive suggestions as what to treasure map for please submit them in the comment section. Thank you.

For an explanation as to what a treasure map is please see links section on this blog.

Friday, December 5, 2008

RE: People Working Together

People start treasure mapping the world over. Contributions to this particular treasure map come in by the droves.

People start to believe in the power of faith. Believing in good and manifestation of good from positive thoughts takes on like a wild fire in the forest. Governments, companies, countries, and all of Man begin to reflect the good coming out of this treasure map.

A positive path of good stretches out before all of Earth. Earth and Man are receptive to this Divine Good. People all over come to terms with peace.
Mental illness is irradicated.

Violence of man against man is history.

The bird of peace flies in the hearts of all creation and man.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

RE: Give Thanks

All of mankind gives thanks for what they have. They celebrate being still alive. Peace and goodwill settles on mankind. All strife ends immediately. 

Mankind units to solve poverty in all its forms. Mankind units to get rid of pestilences. Mankind units to raise the standard of living for everyone. Mankind units to solve all problems that are solve able. Man units to rid the human race of disease. Mankind becomes united now.

Mankind gives thanks that this is all accomplished in the here and now. Let it be so, if not this then something better.

Monday, December 1, 2008

RE: Future Dynamics in World Health And More

All nations and Man start to pull together to tackle world health problems and more.

Aids is under control and eliminated as a threat. Man all over the world decides to conduct himself by safe sex. People decide to wait until they are married to have sex. People practice only safe sex.

Mental Health is on the rise in humanity. Man practices that which insures good mental health. Mental problems are history. Science makes great strides in controlling and eliminating mental problems and addictions.

Crime makes the lowest dip in the history of man. The origins of crime are eliminated. Man lives in peace and harmony with his environment and his neighbors. People the world over become at peace with themselves and their neighbors.

All people become filled with the Christ Spirit. Love dominates the world. Love that is free without strings without being toxic or enabling problems.

If not this then something better! Let it be now as everything unfolds in perfect timing according to His will. So be it, in His name.