World Treasure Map

This blog is devoted to making a treasure map or vision outline for the future of the world. Everything is in the positive sense.
Feel free to add to the treasure map or make suggestions in comment section. No negative speech please.

If you have some desire or wish that you want to add do so.

Please visit often and read each addition over as often as you can. This helps to in-power the treasure map.

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

RE: Positive Future That Brings No Harm

The territory of all of Man is enlarged with out bringing harm. Only that which is beneficial to all creation manifests. A positive future manifests now.

If not this then something better manifests in the now. Thanks in His name for this manifestation that is now.

Want to help out in making the world evolve into a positive mode? Want to contribute to this treasure map? Sure would appreciate input from the public. Get the feeling of having an active part in making the world a better place. Feel empowerment. Feel like an active part in bringing change that is positive for the Universe. Write in your comments what you would like to see manifested. If selected, it will be added to the treasure map on this blog.

Also go back to the first entry in this blog and read through all the rest of the entries to the latest. Visualize in the mind all these positive things as in the now. Add whatever you think will help. Come back often and read entire blog, visualize!

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