World Treasure Map

This blog is devoted to making a treasure map or vision outline for the future of the world. Everything is in the positive sense.
Feel free to add to the treasure map or make suggestions in comment section. No negative speech please.

If you have some desire or wish that you want to add do so.

Please visit often and read each addition over as often as you can. This helps to in-power the treasure map.

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

RE: Future Dynamics

The future is bright for Man. Man sees a peaceful road stretching before him with limitless horizon. Man looks beyond his own immediate needs, reaches out to his neighbor. Man becomes receptive to the endless possibilities of good. Nation after nation because benign then actually healing. All of Man realizes that theUniverse functions on inter dependency. A world wide feeling of cooperation and love infuses all of Man.

Slowly all of that that cursed Man is eliminated. Man heals; the Universe heals. Man realizes the elevation of one is the elevation of all of mankind. Man's future prospect for good is endless. Man becomes totally receptive to the good of all that is in store for him. Man's elimination of his own ignorance takes place exponentially. Exponentially all of Mankind's wisdom increases. Violence, poverty, all negativity evaporates and is just a bad dream. Man realizes that progress especially spiritual progress can be and should be painless.

Where Man walked in the muck of the polluted valleys of thought he now walks on the mountain peaks for elevated thought and manifestation. Man helps Man.

All of this manifests now. If not this, then something better. In His name, so be it now.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

RE: Economic Recovery

The world recovers from the economic slump of 2008. Recovery happens now. People the world over prosper immediately. Wealth is distributed poorest of Mankind. All world leaders put aside their differences. The Christ Spirit dwells within all of Man. All people have gainful employment through peaceful efforts. The tide of prosperity washes over all of the planet Earth. All Man develops an attitude of prosperity. Recovery is unstoppable. No one is able to stop it. The Christ spirit and all that goes with it infuses Mankind with a new attitude and  closeness to the spirit of God. All people of Earth join together in peaceful wise efforts to help each other prosper and heal. A new attitude constructed from the Christ Spirit now blooms in the heart of man. All of Man's needs are met now and Man is open and receptive to it.

People the world over are receptive to their good right now. All leaders and all people turn towards the Heavenly Father. All disputes that interfere with this feeling that brings prosperity in the Spirit of the Christ ceases with the absence of pain. All share in limitless wealth yet become industrious. There is a total abscence of sloth. People work for the common good of all. 

All of the above happens now. If not this then something better. Let it be so, in his name. 

RE: Quick Recovery Part 2

The world recovers from the economic slump of 2008. Recovery happens now. People the world over enjoy good living, prosperity and marvelous health. Life is good for all. Recovery happens now. Vast improvement in all areas happens.

Company CEO's, investors, average citizens, workers, and political leaders around the world learn and understand that their company's health and the welfare of the CEO, political leader depend on certain factors and spiritual laws. The CEO's of the world's companies apply this knowledge to turn around the negative influences that have sent the economy and health of the planet spiraling down.

All negative is turned into the positive. It happens now. In His name, let it be so. If not this then something better. Let it be now. Thank You, that this is done according to your will. Thank You for Man's receptiveness to his good.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

RE: A New Path

Mankind is on a new path. This path leads to a bright new future. Man is on that path now. 

On this path Man finds prosperity. Prosperity is everywhere and mankind is open and receptive to it. Wealth is everywhere. No one wants for anything. Happiness reigns. Envy is a thing of the past. Violence takes a permanent holiday. People treat each other with respect. One trying to dominate another is history. Wars are obsolete. Man respects nature. Man eliminates the problems that are killing the planet earth. Man' wisdom, knowledge and intelligence grows exponentially. Good health is rampant, even among the elderly. The elderly are treated as a great resource. 

Wealth is the way of the world. No one wants for anything. All of Man are receptive to the good of the Universe. Negativity is wiped out in the thought processes of man. This happens now. Man opens his heart to the blessings for him. Stealing, war, anger, envy, cruelity are all things of the past.

If not this, then something better, in His name so be it. 

Monday, November 17, 2008

RE: Consideration Reigns Throughout the World

The path to self awareness is plain before mankind. Man develops emotional maturity. Concern for others, empathy spreads throughout the world. Man sees and anticipates harmony in all existence and it spreads throughout the world. The time for this is right now.

All comes into balance. Leaders develop empathy and morality. World leaders see their task as self realization of the bigger plan for the benifit of Man. Self angrandizement becomes passe and agape becomes the rage. Wisdom rules and the time is now. Now is the time that this transpires. This spreads throughout the world like wild fire. Others join in following and contributing to this treasure map. All of Man sees himself, herself as part of a large family. All realize that all existence in interdependent.

In His name, let it be now. If not this then something better. Thank You for allowing this happening. Thank You for Your blessings.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

RE: Origin of This Blog

Let each word keyed in this blog be divinely inspired. Let each word bring harmony and prosperity to mankind. May each soul find their way into the light. Let it happen now. May mankind know prosperity and love. May all of mankind gain in wisdom and lose their ignorance. May all of mankind gain the faith to reach their highest good. Let it be now. Man is receptive to his/her highest good now. All recognize that the success of one is the success of all. Man helps without enabling. Man reaches out to their fellow beings and the Universe with only the expectation of reflecting the Agape of God. Each word keyed into this blog is a seed planted in the great Universal Mind of Mankind. The thoughts here are divinely inspired.

Let this happened in our Heavenly Father's name. If not this then something better.

RE: Reception and Acceptance

People the world over start to read this Treasure Map for Humanity. Each human being starts to incorporate it into their being. Man dreams of what is wholesome and good for man and the Universe. Like a gentle wave washing over a beach man is healed of his ignorance and sees life and existence through the eyes of his God.

Slowly at first then with ease and no pain the pace accelerates as man begins to pick himself up. His creativity is used to restore the planet to good health. Wholesome friendships are established across all borders. Man realizes that he is not alone but surrounded by a friendly Universe.

A new respect for the environment, for his fellow brothers and sisters in life and for existence
 over takes Mankind. This respect influences all of Man's actions. Man's actions are motivated with Agape. 

Thanks is given for this or something better unfolding with majestic perfect timing saving Man from himself/herself. If not this then something better comes into existence.

RE: Each Has A Place

All over the world humanity wakes up to the idea that each has their place of honor. That each individual has a wonderful destiny and place in God's plan.

People reach out to each other in understanding that surpasses just mere love. Agape saturates the planet Earth and reaches out to the Universe. The world is filled with happy people who radiate with joy. Fear, hatred and anger become just a memory of a bad nightmare.

The antipathy of the past is like a fragmented computer  file that is repaired to its true and original form of love and happiness. Man sees himself/herself as he truly is.

The bird of peace give humanity the olive branch and man willing accepts it.Peace and prosperity reigns. 

If not this then something better!

Friday, November 14, 2008

RE: The Sowing of the Seed of Peace

People throughout the world sow seeds of peace. Jew, Arab, Israeli, Christian, Jew, Hindi, all nationalities, ethic groups and racial types in earnest reach out to each other.

Peace begins on the individual level of mankind. Peace spreads like a wildfire throughout all nations. The desire to argue, fight, bicker make war dies like old fruit that withers on the vine. The desire to cause harm, mayhem and to steal dries up like a prehistoric river.

All nations and leaders gain in wisdom realizing that inter and intra co-operation is the way to survive.

Each leader of each group of people, nations and otherwise exercise judgment with wisdom, love and understanding. Rather than self aggrandizement all leaders feel the need to help their fellowman without enabling just for the sake of helping.

Love, agape, saturates humanity on all levels. Great strides in understanding each other takes place across the face of the globe in the family of humanity.

Monday, November 10, 2008

RE: November 8, 2008 Purpose

Purpose. The purpose of this blog: World Treasure Map is to start mapping out the future of the world. Not just an ordinary future but one that is bright, cheerful, properous and offers hope for everyone. A positive future for everyone is the goal. Plus maybe we all will learn something.

If you would like to make suggestions feel free to do so. Make them positive because otherwise they will be deleted.