World Treasure Map

This blog is devoted to making a treasure map or vision outline for the future of the world. Everything is in the positive sense.
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Sunday, November 30, 2008

RE: Future Dynamics

The future is bright for Man. Man sees a peaceful road stretching before him with limitless horizon. Man looks beyond his own immediate needs, reaches out to his neighbor. Man becomes receptive to the endless possibilities of good. Nation after nation because benign then actually healing. All of Man realizes that theUniverse functions on inter dependency. A world wide feeling of cooperation and love infuses all of Man.

Slowly all of that that cursed Man is eliminated. Man heals; the Universe heals. Man realizes the elevation of one is the elevation of all of mankind. Man's future prospect for good is endless. Man becomes totally receptive to the good of all that is in store for him. Man's elimination of his own ignorance takes place exponentially. Exponentially all of Mankind's wisdom increases. Violence, poverty, all negativity evaporates and is just a bad dream. Man realizes that progress especially spiritual progress can be and should be painless.

Where Man walked in the muck of the polluted valleys of thought he now walks on the mountain peaks for elevated thought and manifestation. Man helps Man.

All of this manifests now. If not this, then something better. In His name, so be it now.

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