World Treasure Map

This blog is devoted to making a treasure map or vision outline for the future of the world. Everything is in the positive sense.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008

RE: Economic Recovery

The world recovers from the economic slump of 2008. Recovery happens now. People the world over prosper immediately. Wealth is distributed poorest of Mankind. All world leaders put aside their differences. The Christ Spirit dwells within all of Man. All people have gainful employment through peaceful efforts. The tide of prosperity washes over all of the planet Earth. All Man develops an attitude of prosperity. Recovery is unstoppable. No one is able to stop it. The Christ spirit and all that goes with it infuses Mankind with a new attitude and  closeness to the spirit of God. All people of Earth join together in peaceful wise efforts to help each other prosper and heal. A new attitude constructed from the Christ Spirit now blooms in the heart of man. All of Man's needs are met now and Man is open and receptive to it.

People the world over are receptive to their good right now. All leaders and all people turn towards the Heavenly Father. All disputes that interfere with this feeling that brings prosperity in the Spirit of the Christ ceases with the absence of pain. All share in limitless wealth yet become industrious. There is a total abscence of sloth. People work for the common good of all. 

All of the above happens now. If not this then something better. Let it be so, in his name. 

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